Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Overall Evaluation Temporarily On Hold!

Today wasn't a happy one in regards to the implementation.

If any of you recall, I voiced my doubts about whether they would be able to make the content creation happen before training (paragraph 2 & 3 of the May 16 post). After some reassurance via email from the Sales Rep and a conference call during the Kick-Off Meeting with the Project Manager & The Specialist, I then retracted those comments in my next post (paragraph 3 of the May 28 post). I also mentioned in the same post (paragraph 3) all of the items that I uploaded (per their instructions) to their FTP site for them to create the content. Remeber my retraction of my concerns? Well, don't. Big mistake. I retract my retraction.

We are in a holding pattern for starting our first Revit project because not one single piece of content that was supposed to be completed prior to the classroom training has been given to us yet. Actually, they did send me a template today, but I opened it to check out the goodies. I cannot find one single item that had been changed from the default template that ships with Revit Structure. Not one.

Wait: they did rename the file. I stand corrected.

Did they really think I wasn't going to notice?

There is a conference call scheduled for Wednesday (tomorrow) morning, so maybe we can get this all figured out, but they have already put us behind schedule. It has been 5 days since training ended and we still have nothing of what they promised (verbally & in writing) would be created before we hit the classroom.

Lesson for today: Do what you can to make sure that there is some wording in what you sign that covers you in case the company you go with doesn't keep up their end of the bargain.

This blog was supposed to be a positive thing about what to do and what not to do when your firm goes to deploy Revit Structure. It was also (hopefully) supposed to be a plug for the firm we contracted with to do this implementation. Nobody wanted them to be the "perfect team" more than I/we did.

My sincere hope is that it still can be. Hope is not lost. Not at all. We just need to be able to put this behind us and move forward.

It also bothers me that they know absolutely everything that I have been concerned about through this whole process - and I'm not talking just about the emails & phone conversations. I have been tracking every single click (date, time, IP, etc.) on this blog and there have been at least 4 hits by their firm after every posting here since some time in May. They are watching me - they just didn't know that I was watching them watch me.

It bothers me that they are reading this and things are still not happening.

I would give just about anything to be able to turn this back into a "good blog" but that can't happen until we can Revit.

That's all I've got to say for tonight. Check back tomorrow after we've tried to resolve some of the issues.

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