Tuesday, June 10, 2008

RST 2009 Core Training: Day 1 (Part I)

Can you believe that I was almost late for the first day of training? All of our crew was there in plenty of time, but I was still gathering "stuff" and forgot that I had to drive through morning rush-hour traffic. On-time I was, though.

The Specialist: impressive. He didn't use the AOTC book at all, but he didn't need to. Very knowledgeable, fluid in presentation of material, he kept a good pace going throughout the day without getting ahead of anyone, immediately had answers to all questions, and seems like a helluva nice guy too.

We also have an Apprentice Specialist attending the training also who will be striking out on his own after he finishes his Jedi training. He knows his stuff and had input of his own at key points during the day.

The Sales Rep. stopped by and chatted for a few minutes even though he didn't need to, but our Project Manager never once stopped by. I found that odd since, after all, he's the Project Manager for our implementation.

For the most part, everything ran very smoothly for us as well. A few small snags, but less than I thought there would be for the AutoCAD users. Our lone engineer in attendance did better than everyone else (except me maybe?) and he has almost no AutoCAD experience. He attributed it to the fact that he's very used to the 3D modeling process because of using RAM for structural analysis. It makes perfect sense to me. That aside, it is no surprise to me that he picked it right up. He's not where he is because of a coin flip.

This entry is entitled Part I because that is all I'm going to say about today's training for now. There are a couple of items that I'm checking on before I comment further, lest I put my big-fat-foot in my just-as-big-fat mouth. Sometimes I can be a little quick to defend my position (and our $$$ investment!), but I'm going to wait. For now. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt until then - especially when I could be mistaken. Not wrong: just mistaken.

Let's just say that I don't feel all warm and fuzzy about a few things, but we'll see what develops.

Tune in again tomorrow night. I hope you'll hear me humble myself again.

Time for me to make like a tree and 'leave.' Go Celtics!

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