Thursday, June 19, 2008

Still waiting...

The conference call that was supposed to happen yesterday was canceled (more or less) by mutual agreement, so I'm still in a "semi-limbo" state.

However, I am in contact fairly regularly with The Specialist (even though he's in the middle of nowhere he has found the time) and his Padawan Learner. The Apprentice has emailed me some content & posted some to FTP. The template is shaping up somewhat and things should be taking a turn for the better - even more after a Webex (?) in the morning with The Apprentice that I hope bears much fruit.

Honestly, the Project Manager seems content with the fact that they have completely blown the first part of their commitment by not providing the content before the training (as agreed) so that we could immediately put RST to work. It is not his concern that we are falling behind our targets because he made false promises. I was told (by him) that he received a promotion recently and is now extremely busy. That's great, fantastic, and I'm happy for him. Does that mean that maybe someone else should be in charge of our implementation if he doesn't have the time? Very possibly.
Example: on Tuesday, he set up a conference call between myself, him, and The Specialist for yesterday morning. Before the end of the day he told me that he couldn't attend and it would just be me and The Specialist. !!!! I would have thought, with all of the trouble we've been having, that a 'project in distress' would garner the Project Manager's priority. That is, unless all of his projects are going down the same path because "other duties" are getting in the way of managing projects.

I'm curious about one thing. If Avatech doesn't follow through with the terms of the contract during the first major phase, can we count on them to deliver quality for the duration of the contract? I wonder what they would think about us if we didn't keep our side of the bargain: $$$.

I do think that the worker bees in the firm are very good and want to get things done. I'm going to check out the new template that the Apprentice gave me today. Wish me luck.


Gregory Arkin said...

I'd read this article that AUGI just posted
If your reseller isn't coming through now at this critical time when you're trying to make the transition, what kind of partnership is that? Revit requires a strong commitment from your reseller to get you through this painful part of the conversion. Have they not been reading your blog postings? It seems quite obvious that there's not the commitment you seem to be needing, wanting and clearly asking for. My team of techs would be happy to get you up and running tomorrow with Revit Structure. Your business depends on it. Sounds like a breach of contract from the people you're working with. You should ask for your implementation money back and work with a reseller who'll commit to your needs and help you grow with Revit. My team has those credentials. Call me tomorrow and you'll never have to wait again.

Jeff Rayhorn said...

I agree: a total lack of commitment is what we're getting. Your firm does have a very good reputation and I'm sure that you could help us, but I'm not even sure where we are headed at this juncture. I wish we were moving forward, but... Thanks anyway. I'll keep you posted.

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